Fear The Walking Dead Season 8’s Most Frustrating Plot Hole Is Now Even Worse

Fear the Walking Dead Season 8’s Most Frustrating Plot Hole Is Now Even Worse

As fans of the post-apocalyptic AMC series Fear the Walking Dead, we’ve all come to expect a few curveballs along the way. But Season 8 has taken the phrase "plot twist" to new heights – and not necessarily in a good way.

At the center of our collective frustration is the enduring enigma surrounding Strand’s fate. Remember when Alicia made the questionable decision to sacrifice her father’s journal and, by extension, the secrets it held to ensure Strand’s "peace"? Yeah, it seems we’re still reaping the consequences of that gamble months later.

Strand, the charismatic and (somewhat) moral leader, has been absent since Episode 10 of the current season. And before you ask, yes, there have been numerous nods and teases to his existence, but it’s simply not enough. In an era where we can follow the intricacies of comic book storylines down to the finest detail, this lack of resolution feels akin to an episode-sized insult.

Here’s what really grinds our gears, though: we had been led to believe (not unreasonably, at that) that Strand was on the precipice of a major showdown. I mean, his partnership with the enigmatic character of Victor Sr. set up a narrative with incredible potential. So, naturally, when Strand seemingly fell off the radar, questions mounted. How could an important character just…disappear?

To compound our dismay, showrunner Victor Skrecki and Co. have thus far shrouded Strand’s potential exit in an impenetrable veil of silence. It’s a veritable masterclass in how not to tantalize your audience.

Why must we continue to mull over the ‘where has Strand gone?’ abyss while the plot limbers ahead without our trusty patriarch? What did those supposed " secrets" of Strand’s even hold that demanded such an expedited conclusion? Did they indeed result in a monumental blow, leaving the gang fighting an uphill battle without his presence? These unanswered inquiries – the very lifeblood of any narrative – keep taunting us with potential solutions that remain elusive to the very end.

When did Fear the Walking Dead stop concerning themselves with the fan experience and decide to opt for mind games instead? Remember how The Walking Dead would have tackled this same predicament? Rick, or the Whisperers, would confront you head-on with existential truths, never shirking from the brutal responsibilities inherent in this dark reality.

Now, with regards to Strand, our suspicions simmer. Have they left Strand in limbo so deliberately to avoid answering awkward questions about the nature of Strand’s demise? What an affront to audience agency! Is there actually something sinister afoot here? Perhaps an "existential threat" too formidable to be confronted openly (dare we whisper), ’cause it just feels that big, right?

And at what point will Strand materialize once more? Does a season’s climax potentially coincide with his reprise, rendering his earlier story an enigmatic capper for our benefit? With AMC’s notorious record regarding pacing and season lengths (not to mention this ongoing storyline’s tendency to take long, circuitous journeys to get there), your guess is as good as mine.

Here’s where Season 8 has dropped the ball. When writing your own cliffhanger series, there needs to be a balance struck: engage the audience while sparing a thought for coherence within an unfolding narrative. Currently, Fear the Walking Dead appears intent on touting "ambiance over substance." For fear (pun intended) the writing’s on the wall.

What say you, Walking Dead faithful? Has the wait become all the more frustrating due to its very nature – with more questions piling onto already existing enigmas? Share your anguish (and hopes for answers!) in the comments. We’re rooting for more insight into Strand’s "secret" (justifiably) sooner rather than later.
